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Gibbs reflective cycle dissertation

Gibbs reflective cycle dissertation

gibbs reflective cycle dissertation

WritePass - Essay Writing - Dissertation Topics [TOC]Abstract1 Introduction2 Gibbs Reflective Cycle Description Feelings Evaluation Analysis Conclusion3 References Abstract This essay reflects the lessons and obstacles that I faced during the course of writing my dissertation. Utilizing the Gibbs Reflective Cycle in order to illustrate the process, this essay reflects upon Applying the Gibbs’ Reflective Model ‘It is not sufficient simply to have an experience in order to blogger.comt reflecting upon this experience it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. It is from the feelings and thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalisations or Self-reflection assignment: Discussion using Gibbs Cycle Question. Task: Write a report on self-reflection assignment reflecting on the novel value proposition using Gibbs reflective cycle. Answer. Introduction Thisself-reflection assignment helps in understanding the manner in which a particular project has been prepared

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle | The University of Edinburgh

Reflective Essay Using Gibbs Reflective Cycle Order Instructions : Full instructions are not available yet. Please be with me. I will forward Complete Instructions once I receive them. Word document doc; docx [do not PDF or lock the document as Markers will work within the document to provide feedback] 12 point font and double spaced Student ID only no names in either header or footer Page numbers.

Reflective practice has been shown to close the gap between practice and theory, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation, thereby improving the quality of care, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation.

This is because people critically think about their actions and experiences to learn what they will do better in the future, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation. Gibbs reflective cycle is the most preferred model for reflection because it encourages systematic thinking process about an experience or activity.

The model was developed by Professor Graham Gibbs and is useful in helping reflective practice. The model comprises of 6 stages including; a Description, b feelings, c evaluation, d analysis, e conclusion, d action plan. This essay is a reflection of my experience in an oversee hospital Health Academy, n.

I was visiting an overseas country for some religious function where I fell ill. I was rushed to one of the healthcare facility in the region and was admitted for further check up. I was given a bed in a shared room with many other critically ill patients. The ward was very crowded and noisy as most of the patients have visitors beside their bed. The Ward looked more like a recreational center more than a healthcare facility.

It seems like there was no limit to the number of visitors that made the room crowded. The room was so crowded that some few visitors were sitting on the floor and some were even singing. I was issued with a bedpan to use for urine elimination, but it is hard to pass urine as the room was too crowded, and there were no curtains around my bed that I can draw to have privacy.

After waiting for few hours, the doctor finally came to check me. He did not greet me or at least introduce himself when he arrived. He just hastily performed physical examination and left. He is non-English speaker who made it difficult for us to communicate, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation. The doctor-patient relationship was awkward, and he avoided eye contact.

Consent was taken by the resident nurse when she came to take blood pressure. After a few minutes, the doctor returned to explain some medical procedure that I was expected to undergo. I did not understand what he was saying, so he asked the visitors in the room if there was gibbs reflective cycle dissertation who was fluent in English to help with the translation.

A random stranger offered his help and came to translate the procedure. The medical procedure involved injecting a needle in my spinal cord to collect some sample. I did not like this practice as it compromised my confidentiality and dignity. This experience was shocking and uncomfortable. The anxiety made me call for help from a close friend. I felt frustrated that I was put in such scenario.

I was annoyed because I was powerless to do much about the situation. I was upset by my inability to confront the healthcare staff in front of the visitors. I was angry that the doctor did not bother to develop a good rapport with his patient. The situation left me distressed that made me ring my friend for moral support. It is only when I reflected on the experience and realized that good healthcare service is not a routine to many but a privilege, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation.

Although I felt hesitated, I knew that it was essential to reveal the mistakes on time so as to improve the quality of care being delivered in this healthcare facility. The only good thing observed is that this is a small healthcare facility and that the staff seemed to work as a team and communication between them was easy. However, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation, the facility was understaffed, and one nurse was expected to handle more than five patients.

I was not happy with the care provided in this healthcare facility. My main concerns were of the wrong quality of services; for instance, there was no privacy as the ward was noisy, crowded and I could pick some stale smells such as smell of urine. We served pureed food in plastic dishes did not provide any feeding aid even for patients in critical conditions, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation. The two medical staffs that I interacted with were cold and uncaring.

All these internal and external factors were not in agreement with a healing environment that supports inherent healing capacity of patients and their healthcare providers. I believe that the healthcare systems are developed to stimulate and support the healing capacity of the patients.

Human beings are multidimensional and complex such that their healing involves cohesion of the mind, body, and spirit. Also, individuals are significantly influenced by their physical environments. Therefore, a holistic healing calls for a patient —centered approach Smith et al. These facts are supported by Florence Nightingale environmental theory. Based on this theory, disease is health restoration process, and the staff has a major role in balancing the internal and external environments to facilitate quick recovery from the disease.

Providing suitable environments for patients includes an environment with proper ventilation, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation, heat, noise, free from bad odors and with appropriate lighting. The quality of space and privacy is dear to me and other patients I believe. Surprisingly, I noticed that the healthcare facility was crowded and dirty.

The spaces between beds were too small that it could not accommodate the visitors appropriately. Other restrictions observed gibbs reflective cycle dissertation lack control over the lighting and noise made by the visitors.

Another barrier noted during this experience is cultural and language barriers. From my knowledge, no assessment was done, they did not gibbs reflective cycle dissertation about my values or beliefs. In fact, the staff seemed distance and disinterested. To deliver quality care, the healthcare providers must appreciate the fact that culture plays an important role on the patient outcomes.

Culture is complex as it includes shared beliefs, values, traditions and in some cases language. Each encounter with a patient is an opportunity to learn about another different gibbs reflective cycle dissertation and to understand the cultural aspects that should be integrated into the patient care plan Weaver et al. Patients have high expectations whenever they access healthcare. From my experience, the healthcare staff in healthcare facility lack clinical professionalism and particular imperative clinical skills.

They need to polish their cultural competence to improve their focus on nursing care. This is because of organizational culture, as well as its staff attitudes plays gibbs reflective cycle dissertation vital role in delivering of care.

Therefore, effective and quality care starts with the staff because spot checks and regulations cannot mitigate poor care Hatah et al. Also, patients need to talk openly about the nursing care they receive, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation.

I should have voiced my opinion to the relevant authorities. Respect and dignity are some of the core healthcare professional values. The healthcare staffs are expected to comply with the patients and to understand their needs, priorities, and abilities. Some of the action plans that can be adopted by the healthcare facility include undertaking refresher training on how to engage patients in their care plans. This includes introducing themselves by their names during their first encounter as it helps to create a good rapport between the patient and the healthcare providers Huisman et al, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation.

To improve communication between the healthcare providers and patients, the healthcare staff should undergo training so that they can understand the importance of addressing the patients respectfully and to remain culturally competent.

Also, the administration needs to understand the importance of developing a healing environment. Human dignity and confidentiality are also important aspects for each patient.

In my opinion, the healthcare facility that I attended needs a transformational leadership so that they can focus on patient healing and establish culture excellence. Therefore, they must develop appropriate structures, healthcare processes as well as resources that stimulate and support the gibbs reflective cycle dissertation process using deliberate positive relationships, shared decision making as well as person-centered care planning.

The healthcare organizations should learn to prioritize and optimize the well-being of their patients Spring et al. Therefore, healing process is operationalized by the environment. The healing relationship is established deliberately and calls for skillful communication and attention to the clinical relationships Sakallaris et al. Another critical skill important for healing process is trust.

Trust develops slowly and is a consequence of respect, integrity, and kindness. To inspire trust, it requires congruency between personal morals and the healthcare disciplinary or professional ethics. Social support is also important in improving patient well-being. However, the healthcare providers need to establish the limit on the number of people visiting patients at a time. This will help create a healing environment and reduce cross infections incidents. Also, overcrowding in the ward also influences the sanitary conditions of the ward as it makes it difficult to maintain hygiene or cleanness and about lighting and spread of contagious infections.

Another common issue presented with poor healing environments includes unnecessary noises that are dangerous to the patients. It disrupts a piece of mind and may cause increased agitation Erenler et al. From this experience, I also learned that culture greatly influences health. Culture refers to the pattern of ideas or behaviors shared by certain group of people in the society, gibbs reflective cycle dissertation.

Culture is diverse and continuously evolving, but their evolution rate varies from culture to culture Hatah et al. When in a foreign country, cultural shock occurs and the struggle between gibbs reflective cycle dissertation and in balancing between understanding the new cultural values and respecting their own. For instance, I found the hospital staff cold and unfriendly. I later came to learn that not looking directly in the eyes when talking to another person is a sign of respect.

Also, they are not unfriendly but that how they present themselves to people that they respect. Evidently, the influence of culture on patient outcome is vast. Increasing awareness of cultural values helps the healthcare providers to negotiate the differences and to incorporate them during diagnosis as well as a treatment plan.

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Reflective Essay Using Gibbs Reflective Cycle | My Best Writer

gibbs reflective cycle dissertation

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle was developed by Graham Gibbs in to give structure to learning from experiences. It offers a framework for examining experiences, and given its cyclic nature lends itself particularly well to repeated experiences, allowing you to learn and Applying the Gibbs’ Reflective Model ‘It is not sufficient simply to have an experience in order to blogger.comt reflecting upon this experience it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. It is from the feelings and thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalisations or Self-reflection assignment: Discussion using Gibbs Cycle Question. Task: Write a report on self-reflection assignment reflecting on the novel value proposition using Gibbs reflective cycle. Answer. Introduction Thisself-reflection assignment helps in understanding the manner in which a particular project has been prepared

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