Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short essay on my first day at secondary school

Short essay on my first day at secondary school

short essay on my first day at secondary school

(Essay on my first day at school for classes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, in English after summer vacation, words, for the exam. A school is a place of learning. Here he forms new associations that comes in contact with boys of different temperaments and forms new ideas and habits My First Day At School Words | 3 Pages. because it was my first day of school. First I went to take a shower; I thought, “What I would do in school today, who will be my teachers". Then I walked to the bus stop people looked at me like I'm not from this planet. I sat on a tree trunk waiting for the bus 3 pages, words. The First Day back at School By Tr ” iona Buckley, Just thinking about it makes me nervous. It is like starting off at junior infants again. This year I’m starting secondary school, approximately 10 miles from home. I’m on my own

Writing about my first day at secondary school

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. M my alarm clock was activated, it was time for me to get ready and prepared myself for my first day of High School as a freshman student in Piscataway Vo — Tech High School. Fear, excitement, and all of these different emotions were running through my head as I wondered how difficult high school would be, who I would sit with at lunch time or if I would be able to memorize my locker combination.

My first day of high school as a freshman student was very stressful but I learned something very important that will always help me in life; I should ask for help when I need it. Getting off the bus after 15 minutes of riding to the schoolfear started taking over, short essay on my first day at secondary school.

I was walking following other students and seeing all these different faces I had never seen before in my life. I am Mr. Patrick, the school principal. Welcome to your first day of high school ; all students must be at their homeroom for important information they will get!

Have a nice day everyone, short essay on my first day at secondary school. My first day of high school was at Riverside secondary and it was a breeze I assume kids would be anxious on the first day of high school. This didn't bother me though I had a good set of my middle school buddies and the best part was that I lived 3 minutes away so I could sleep in.

My day started with me waking up energized without an annoying alarm clock buzzing in my ear. After a filling breakfast my buddy Ryan was at my door waiting to head out. Since we were going to different schoolsbut now that had all changed. When we got to school it was pretty hectic the front lobby was full with boards carrying our schedules and kids cramming between each other trying to find theirs. So I went off with Ryan to look for some of my friends until it calmed down.

Once we meet up with my friends and I introduced Ryan to them we got our schedules, and headed to our classes. Everything was Throughout the story, the author uses narrative techniques such as point of view, foreshadowing, and the main plot in order to convey the meaning of the short story that includes; love, pride and shame. The author uses first person point of view to describe the experiences she went through with her mother while enrolling for school.

The narrator includes a series of flashbacks such as mentioning her father, who left them while she was young. She includes her thoughts, observations, and feelings about her mother, whom she is ashamed of due to the fact that she is illiterate. The purpose of foreshadowing is to warn or indicate readers of what is to come later in the story.

Fear started taking over. I was walking into my first school. I was afraid how I would do. It was a big building with a large compound wall. Short essay on my first day at secondary school forced up a weak smile as I left my parent. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the main entrance. As a small child I could not feel stable at the sight of the building.

I thought to myself, why were so many people around me. Most of them were running around, zooming past me like racing cars, missing me by tiny fractions. I felt so alone, like a stray dog lost in the middle of a big city. All I wanted was to be home again. As I walked down the hallway I almost urinated in my pants. I was not familiar with such atmosphere earlier. With anxiety on one hand and fear on the other, I reached for the door knob, opening it slowly. From a distance, it looked like the people were ants.

Without paying attention to them, I went straight to the teacher and asked if this was the right class. The class teacher asked my name and where­abouts. My class teacher was very gentle. He encouraged me and treated me kindly. I felt a bit nervous in the new environment.

The boys looked at me with wonder and smiled. Some of them gathered rounded me. They laughed at me and made fun of me. A few sympathized with me and befriended me.

The bell for interval rang. At firstI was I was walking into my first school in St. I had traveled a long distance from dominica in order to join my father, who had been here for a long timehoping America would help my future. My father decided that I would be better off going to school here, so I enrolled in the local high school in my new town.

On the first dayI went to my second period class after I had missed my first. I was already confused because in dominica the teachers switch according to periods while most of the students have the same periods. Then he asked me to choose where I would sit. I chose the seat closest to the door instead of the corner where all of the boys were sitting.

In dominica we had assigned seats, so I never needed to worry about that. I spent the rest of the class taking notes from the image Walking into a brand new school for the first time with a bundle of happiness and a twisted knot in your stomach indicating just how nervous you really are, sure is a way to start your first day of high school.

It is natural on the part of every student to remember the first day at school. Recently, I just became a 9th grader.

I remember the day as a unclear haze, that resembled a impossible puzzle to complete. The night before was spent with stories of high school back in the last couple decades or so. Ever so often was an, "Oh you'll blend in," "You've grown so much," and "I cannot believe you're already in high school. The first thing I came to realize was a large building pacted tightly together within a compound wall. As small as I am, i couldn't not seem to put the puzzle pieces together but luckily a map became my bestfriend.

The schedule was confusing at firstsince it was a long summertime before I had last read one. Nothing felt stable or ordered, everything seemed like it was going to be chaotic any minute. A few seconds later the bell rang, short essay on my first day at secondary school, as Short essay on my first day at secondary school thought to myself how much I did not ever recall a harsh stop and ponder during the summer about miss the bell itself. The pattern went throughout the I was surprised, but I kept that feeling to myself as we continued with class.

I was lucky enough to be in an international class with other foreign students, but my situation was the worst because I came from a different continent. There were students from Germany, Romania, Spain, Morocco, and Algeria, and I was the only American. They already had somewhat of an idea about the language, which gave them an advantage in class. Those next few weeks of school were dreadful. There were days that I would come home in tears.

I was made fun of because of my American accent and they teased me because of the way I dressed. Even teachers embarrassed me with their smart remarks in French about my misunderstanding of the language. I became furious. At one point, I wanted to drop out short essay on my first day at secondary school school and just run away. I never lost focus and continued to stay strong. Before I knew it, everybody in the entire school knew who I was. I felt as if I was the most popular kid on the block.

My teachers were more accepting because of my determination to master the French language and my accent was improving. I had trained myself to follow an easy My First Day of High School The beeping of my alarm clock sounded like a countdown. The first day of high school was only two hours away. I was excited, but a lot more nervous. I got out of bed, got ready, and then was on my way to the bus stop. The bus ride to the school was only ten minutes, but it seemed a lot longer.

When we finally got there, I was more nervous than ever. The day ahead of me was about to get a lot more complicated though with all the work, finding a seat at lunch, and getting lost. After already being late to my first period and all of the not-so-bad classes afterwards, it was lunch time, short essay on my first day at secondary school. I dropped off some books at the locker I shared with my boyfriend, and walked down with him. We went up to get our lunch and came back to find our seats were taken.

We soon found out getting up meant risking your seat. The whole lunch period everyone was talking about how their day went so far. Most of them were complaining, including me, short essay on my first day at secondary school.

My first day at school essay in English

, time: 1:37

Essay on my First day at School words in english – Essay

short essay on my first day at secondary school

3 pages, words. The First Day back at School By Tr ” iona Buckley, Just thinking about it makes me nervous. It is like starting off at junior infants again. This year I’m starting secondary school, approximately 10 miles from home. I’m on my own This is a sample Essay about My First Day at School. I got up early in the morning on this day. I got myself prepared. With my father I started towards my new school. We entered the office where I saw four men sitting behind the counter. My father got a form, from one of them 5/10/ · First Day of Secondary School – Original Writing. I was so excited yet so terrified at the thought of my first day in secondary school. It felt much to me like my first day as an adult, the first day I ever felt grown up. As I packed my spanking new bag full of spanking new pens and pencils

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